It’s All In the Details
The best things in life almost always require some form of waiting. Milestones have a way of sitting on the horizon and if you play your cards right, they get closer over time. Delicious food is no different when you’ve been out and about all morning and you have finally selected the place you’ll rest and hopefully eat something you wouldn’t be able to make at home.
These Halloween-themed images were actually drawn on a Taco Tuesday this past summer in Asheville, NC. There we were, hoping that our tacos would deliver the same experience in our mouths that we were having with our eyes throughout that incredible town. Lots of flavors, active city dwellers bustling about, artists literally tagging buildings along the water and so much more could only be topped with tacos.
We walked in the door past a packed patio of patrons to find two people behind a long counter decorated with music memorabilia, complete with Elvis shrine. One person took the order and collected money while one another made tacos as fast as he could with cool music playing in the background. Not letting a moment of waiting go to waste, I quickly got to work on my appreciation napkins as we waited in line that was conveniently placed right next to a gorgeous bartop with, you guessed it, napkins just waiting to find a deeper purpose.
It was a ‘seize the moment’ kind of moment where I kept myself present among what felt like thousands of artists who had graced the sidewalks of Asheville who, metaphorically speaking, waited to see how I would leave my mark on this place.
My mark was formed with ink and thin paper made of recycled materials and presented to the staff who tirelessly created taco thrills for strangers on a random Tuesday. I saw on social media later that day that the woman behind the cash register pinned them up on the wall.